Thursday, 22 March 2012

Parts of Speech

Let's start with the basics :)
Here's how I understand the parts of speech... what do you think about this...

The eight brothers are talk of the town,
You know the naming one as Noun.
The next one known as Pronoun,
Is used instead of Noun.
The third called the Adjective,
Seems mighty descriptive.
The fourth one is the Verb
He consists of all the doing words.
The next christened Adverb,
Beautifies our spoken word.
Now meet the Preposition,
He cares for all relations.
Then comes our Conjunction,
He joins almost everyone.
The last one- Interjection,
Has quite a good expression.
Together they form the parts of speech
Now we begin to explore each!


Fill in the blanks with appropriate names of the parts of speech.

There were these eight brothers who went into the town
The eldest one, the smartest, was fondly known as
The second in the line was called the _______________,
He told you noun's comparatives and also superlatives.
The third born child of English was called the _______________
He was a noun's replacement, in his ups and downs.
The fourth one was a worker and known to us as ____________
He consists of all the doing words, like love, hurt and disturb.
The fifth of them is genius, was christened as _________________
He himself tells the qualities of adjective and verb.
Now what all do I say about the sixth of brothers
He's called _____________ and locates all the others.
The last but one was the fondest and so was named ______________
He joined them all together on more than one occasion.
And last but not the least, was the brat called ___________________
The "aaahhs" and "ooohhhs" and "ouches" are quite a great selection.
He shouted and expressed in words that I can't teach...
And all these brothers together form your PARTS OF SPEECH.

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